Oxford: 01865 338037

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Discrimination at Work

Covering Oxford, High Wycombe, Aylesbury, Banbury, Witney and more.

Discrimination at work can take place in various different forms. Discrimination in the workplace is unlawful against either employees or workers, discrimination can occur due to some of the characteristics below:

  • Age
  • Disability
  • Race (including colour, nationality, and ethnic or national origins)
  • Gender
  • Sex or Sexual orientation
  • Religious beliefs
  • Gender reassignment
  • Marriage and civil partnership
  • Pregnancy and maternity

A document about age discrimination

Discrimination at work

Discrimination in the workplace can be very difficult to understand and it is vital to seek legal advice as soon as possible. Your employer has to make sure that all procedures are in place to prevent discrimination at the workplace and should be happy to deal with any complaints that do arise. Our specialist solicitors will be able to assist you in Oxford, High Wycombe, Aylesbury, Banbury, Witney and more.

In 2010 the different strands of discrimination law were harmonised into the Equality Act 2010. The equality act 2010 lawfully defends individuals from discrimination at the office and in broader society. Equal pay is also now covered under the Equality Act 2010. If you are in doubt about your rights contact Oxford Employment Law Solicitors, from discrimination at work to equal pay we can help you.

There are four types of discrimination. The equality act 2010 sets out four main types of discrimination. These are:

Direct discrimination

This is discrimination against an employee because of one or more of the characteristics mentioned above.

Indirect discrimination

Indirect discrimination is when a policy, practice or rule is introduced which applies to all staff in the same way. However, the policy negatively impacts some staff more than others. The Equality Act says it puts you at a particular disadvantage.


This is when an employee is treated less favourably because they have complained about, discrimination, made a court claim against their employer about discrimination, or be backing someone else’s complaint about discrimination.  Discrimination arising from disability, and failure to make reasonable adjustments. Together these elements are both known as ‘prohibited conduct’.

Discrimination definition in a dictionary

Discussing documents


Is when a person is exposed to unwelcome verbal, non-verbal or physical conduct connected to a characteristic which intrudes upon his or her self-respect or creates a threatening, aggressive, corrupting, mortifying or invasive environment. It can even consist of behaviour that individuals find attacking even if it’s not directed at them, and even if they do not have the relevant protected characteristic themselves.

With solicitors based in Oxford and High Wycombe and servicing Aylesbury, Banbury, Witney and beyond our team of workplace discrimination lawyers can assist you with any claim ensuring you will receive the best representation from the start of the case right through to the end. We will also make sure we keep you updated with the progress throughout the whole case. If you believe that you have been discriminated against, then please do give us a call on 01865 338037 or fill out our contact form to see how we will be able to help your case.

Submit an Enquiry

If you have an enquiry about our services or would like to know how we can help with your situation, please complete the form below and one of our solicitors will contact you.